Onde estamos
Sede Nazaré
Rod. Dom Pedro I, km 47
Nazaré Paulista, SP, Brasil
Caixa Postal 47 – 12960-000
Tel: +55 (11) 3590-0041
The LIRA has a support fund for projects with two formats: one through “Integrating Arrangement”, with projects over R$2.5 million, and “Local Project” of up to R$150,000. The LIRA Fund supports a total of 50 projects in 59 protected areas with more than 40,000 direct beneficiaries.
The 125 partner organizations that carry out the projects form the LIRA Network. They are indigenous and extractivist associations, civil society organizations, companies, cooperatives, research and governmental institutions. To see the list of organizations that are part of the network click here.
Acting in an integrated way allows the sharing of learning, opens spaces for relationships among peers, enhances results, and catalyzes an effective action for the development of the territories.
There are 9 projects that form a collaborative arrangement for the implementation of actions to promote the bioeconomy, territorial planning and management, regional integration, governance structures, monitoring, and protection.
One agglutinating organization coordinates and the others are agglutinating and local partners of the project. Access more information by clicking on the title of each project below:
These are projects of local grassroots indigenous and extractive organizations, linked to actions of management, governance, surveillance, and sustainable community business of the socio-biodiversity value chains.
Besides implementing the actions in the communities, the organizations will manage the resources directly and thus expand the autonomy and institutional capacities.
We work from the perspective of learning by doing, through a training track and technical assistance in institutional management.
Upper Rio Negro | OIBI – Içana River Basin Indigenous Association | Strengthening the Baniwa Millennial Economy and Living Well Post-pandemic |
Lower Rio Negro | AATRA – Anavilhanas Water Transport and Tourism Association of Novo Airão | Service of Excellence in Guiding Visitors to the Tourist Attractions Located in the Conservation Units of the Lower River Mosaic |
Lower Rio Negro | APACSA – Santo Antônio Community Agricultural Producers Association | Casa da Descoberta, a Space for Sharing Traditional Knowledge |
Lower Rio Negro | APCT – Traditional Peoples and Communities Association of the Puranga Conquista Sustainable Development Reserve | Entrepreneurship with a Focus on Sustainable Income Generation and Social Empowerment |
Lower Rio Negro
| JULIÃO – Community Association of Rural Producers of the Julião Community | Implementation of Community-Based Tourism by the Community Association of Rural Producers of the Julião Community and Strengthening of Governance and Communication in the Sustainable Development Reserve of Tupé, in Amazonas |
| AMAFLEC – Association of Residents and Agro-Extractivist Friends of the State Forest of Canutama/Am | Strengthening the Local Association |
Madeira-Purus | AMARJUMA – Association of Residents and Friends of the Juma Reserve | Organizational Strengthening |
| AMOVILA – Association of residents of Vista Alegre Acamuã and Lua nova | Strengthening the Sustainable and Participatory Community Management of Pirarucu in Floodplain Lakes in BALATA TUFARI |
| APADRIT – Association of Agro-Extractive Producers of the Assembly of God of the Ituxí River | Strengthening the Sustainable and Participatory Community Management of Pirarucu in Floodplain Lakes in the Ituxi Extractive Reserve |
| APIJ – Association of the Jiahui Indigenous People | Nhadé Kagwariva Arépopoaká Strengthening Environmental and Territorial Management of the Jiahui Indigenous Territory |
| ASARC – Association of Agroextractivists of the Canutama Extractive Reserve | Strengthening the Local Association |
| ATAMP – Association of Agroextraction Workers of the Middle Purus | Strengthening the Productive Cycle of the Pirarucu Chain Managed in the Resex Médio Purus |
| COOPERAR – Agroextractivist Cooperative of the Mapiá and Médio-Purus | Participatory Organic Certification System: Guarantee of Governance in the Cooperar Production Centers on the banks of the Purus River
| Pupykary Institute | Building the Camicuã Village Cultural Center and Strengthening the Indigenous Women of the Camicuã Village through Craftsmanship |
| OPIAJBAM – Organization of the Apurinã and Jamamadi Indigenous People of Boca do Acre – Amazonas | Territorial and Environmental Protection of the Seruini/Marienê Indigenous Land |
North of Pará
| ACAJE – Association of Residents of the Community of Jaramacaru and Region | The Use of Geotechnology to Support the Management of Sociobiodiversity Products and Territorial Protection |
North of Pará
| ASMACARU – Association of the Agro-Extractivist Residents of the Communities | Economic Strengthening in Community Based Extractivism: Shed Renovation and Acquisition of 30 Manual Brazil Nut Breakers in the Community of Cafezal-PA |
North of Pará | CGPH – General Council of the Hexkaryana People | Ownyaku ákatá: Structuring and Strengthening the Copaíba Oil Production Chain in the Indigenous Communities of the Nhamundá River |
North of Pará | COOPAFLORA – Cooperative of Traditional Peoples and Communities of Calha Norte | Strengthening Governance for Maintaining the “Standing Forest |
Rondônia – Acre | AGIR – Association of the Indigenous Warriors of Rondonia | Live Culture and Live Forest |
Rondônia – Acre | AGUAPÉ – Rubber Tappers Association of Vale do Guaporé | Associativism in Action |
Rondônia – Acre
| AIKP – Indigenous Association Karo Paygap | Beyond Braids and Strokes: Strengthening and Disseminating the Production of Karo Handicrafts and Graphics |
Rondônia – Acre
| AISA – Santo André Indigenous Association – Oro Nao People | MAKAN KA MIXEN |
Rondônia – Acre
| APIA – Association of the Amondawa Indigenous People | Territorial and Ethnoenvironmental Protection of the Uru Eu Wau Wau Indigenous Land |
Rondônia – Acre | ASSIZA – Indigenous Association Zavidjaj Djiguhr | Strengthening the Governance System of the Ikolen People – Gavião |
Rondônia – Acre
| GAP EY Association | G̃aarah of Paiter Emã Garba and Guardians of the Paiter Amazon |
Rondônia – Acre | COOPEAB – Assis Brasil Agroextractivist Cooperative | Institutional Strengthening for Sustainable Production of Sociobiodiversity in the Chico Mendes RESEX
Rondônia – Acre
| COOPEGRÃOS – Basil Family Farmers Agroforestry Producers Cooperative | Strengthening the Production Chain of Rustic Green Beans in the RESEX Chico Mendes and surroundings |
Rondônia – Acre
| COOPERVEKALA – Sustainable Production and Extractivism Cooperative of the Vekala Igaporé Lourdes Indigenous Forest | Conserving the Living Forest and Strengthening the Indigenous Economy for the Well-Living of the Ikolen (Gavião) People – Gàla ádja kàhv |
Rondônia – Acre
| CWP – Paiter Wagoh Pakob Indigenous Cultural Center | Our forest, Our home: Strengthening Environmental Enforcement Actions for Mitigating Climate Change and Preserving Life |
Rondônia – Acre
| IEA – Institute of Amazonian Studies | Strengthening the Protagonism of Women and Youth in the Governance of the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve
Rondônia – Acre
| OLAWATAWA – Olawatawa Medicinal Plant Center | Traditional Medicine: A Path to Strengthen and Maintain the Culture of the Paiter Surui People |
Rondônia – Acre
| ECOPORÉ – Guaporé Ecological Action | Participatory Monitoring of the Amazon Nut (Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl.): Consolidating Actions and Generating Information for the Ecological and Socioeconomic Sustainability of the Species. |
| AIPHX – Pyjahyry Xipaia Indigenous Association | Non-Timber Mini-Plants: Organizational Strengthening of Production and Commercialization in the Indigenous Territory (IT) Xipaya -village: Tukamã and Tukayá |
| AIPPY – Indigenous Association Patyi of the Pykajaka Village | Monitoring and Protection Actions in the Trincheira do Bakajá Indigenous Land
| AIT – Tato ‘a Indigenous Association | Strengthening the Economic-Productive Chain and Protecting the Parakanã Territory – an Economy of the Forest |
Xingu | AMA II – Assis Brasil Agro-extractivist Cooperative | AMA Amazonian Seeds |
| Kapot Indigenous Cultural Association – Jarina | Menire nhõ farinheira |
| Pykore Indigenous Association | Extraction that builds |
| IREÔ – Ireô kayapó Association of the Karaô Indigenous Land | Protection and territorial surveillance of the Kararaô IT |
General | AMARU – Association of Agroextractivist Residents of the Uacari Sustainable Development Reserve | Shared Management |
Sede Nazaré
Rod. Dom Pedro I, km 47
Nazaré Paulista, SP, Brasil
Caixa Postal 47 – 12960-000
Tel: +55 (11) 3590-0041
Termos de Uso | Política de privacidade | Contate-nos
Copyright © Ipê – Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas.
Email: rede.lira@ipe.org.br